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Job Share

What is a Job Share?

A job share is when a request is made by a permanent full-time employee, in conjunction with the agency or department he/she is employed, to become a permanent part-time employee, allowing for the position to be filled with two employees assigned to work no more than 40 hours in a bi-weekly time period.

How to Request a Job Share

The agency or department Human Resource Administrator assists the employee in completing the Job Share Agreement and then submits it to the Department of Human Resources Field Operations Director for review and approval. The request must contain the following:

  • The position number and job class to be shared by two incumbents.
  • The current position incumbent’s name.
  • The plan to be used to fill the position.
  • The location of the work station for the position.
  • The regular work schedule for each employee, including days of the week and hours per day.

You can find the Job Share Request Form in the "Forms & Documents" box on this web page. If assistance is needed in obtaining or completing the form, please contact your department’s personnel administrator.

The agency or department may not recruit or fill the vacant portion of the position until the job share has been authorized by the Department of Human Resources.

The Job Share Agreement must be signed by both employees filling the position.