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Talent Acquisition Main Page

Talent Acquisition

Recruitment Process Resources

Policy & Guidelines, pre-recruitment strategy, SuccessFactors Recruiting info, job opening creation and management, MORE...


Advertising and Social Media

Print and web-based advertising planning & guidance, social media job sharing, MORE...

Candidate Screening and Selection

Candidate management, screening and selecting candidates to interview, phone interviewing, MORE...

Interviewing, References and Job Offers

See our new guidance on Best Practices for Video Interviewing.

Planning and conducting an interview, developing high-yield questions, how to check references, job offers and ensuring a great candidate experience, MORE...

Onboarding and Retention

Creating a new hire plan, first day activities, new employee goals meeting, scheduling check-ins, continuing the great candidate experience, training information MORE...


Learn about hiring interns at the State of Vermont, MORE...

Temp Hiring

Occasionally we need to hire workers on a temporary basis. It could be to fill in for another employee on leave or to fill in a role that is currently vacant until a permanent hire is found. MORE...

Hiring People with Disabilities

Hiring People with Disabilities

Have a new position you are hiring for? Get resources and information on hiring people with disabilities. MORE...

Professional Services

Professional Services

Strategic recruitment planning, recruitment marketing asset development, Social Media Campaigns, Specialized Searches, Workforce analysis and planning,  MORE...