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Job Specification Details

Records and Information Management (RIM) Specialist IV

Job Code 080300
Pay Plan Classified
Pay Grade 28
Occupational Category Administrative Services, HR & Fiscal Operations
Effective Date 08/01/2021
Class Definition

This is the fourth level of five in the Records and Information Management (RIM) Specialist series. Incumbents independently manage core operations of the statewide RIM program (3 V.S.A. § 117) or an agency/department RIM program (1 V.S.A. § 317a and/or 3 V.S.A. § 218) as assigned and oversee RIM program functions and activities as they relate to the formulation of RIM policies and the development and implementation of RIM standards, systems and services to strategically fulfill mission-critical informational needs and requests for public records. Work is usually self-directed or performed under the general supervision of executive management but done in collaboration with senior leadership. Class incumbents may perform duties as an assistant RIM program or division director and supervise two or more subordinates.

Examples of Work

Working closely with attorneys, technologists, business managers, and functions-based personnel, as well as colleagues and superiors, leads core operations as well as specific RIM and RIM-related projects and initiatives. Identifies priorities and available resources for: effectively processing requests for public records in accordance with the Vermont Public Records Act; ensuring compliance with RIM requirements; improving and expanding the operations of the statewide RIM program or an agency/department RIM program as assigned; and planning for future program, system and service needs.

Responds to and resolves complicated and complex situations and problems for which there may be few, if any, precedents, and may provide cross-functional leadership, direction, facilitation and advisement on the management and governance of public records. Understands and explains RIM requirements and provides full consultative and outreach services, including guidance on record schedules, laws and regulations, policies and guidelines, and professional standards and best practices.

Executes audits to evaluate compliance with RIM program requirements and professional standards and best practices. Prepares formal reports and independently determines when compliance concerns need to be referred for further action.

Environmental Factors

Work is performed in a standard office setting, but some travel may be required for which private means of transportation should be available. Work outside of regular business hours may be expected. There is pressure from the need to meet deadlines and dealing with people who have strong opinions or may be upset.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

High-level knowledge of Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (the “Principles”) and industry standards and best practices.

High-level knowledge of records and information creation and use.

High-level knowledge of records storage, retrieval, conversion, and facilities.

High-level knowledge of records appraisal, retention, protection, and disposition.

High-level knowledge of information technology, including data management.
High-level knowledge of change management strategies and practices.

High-level knowledge of government structure, functions and activities as defined by law.

Exceptional oral and written communication skills as well as negotiation and conflict management abilities.

Ability to create tools and resources to support RIM program development and sustainability.

Ability to research and analyze recordkeeping requirements.

Ability to assign, monitor, approve, and evaluate the work of subordinate RIM Specialists.

Ability to create and update training curricula and conduct workshops and training for public employees.

Ability to deliver presentations to state and municipal entities and to professional organization associations and societies.

Ability to plan, lead and coordinate special projects.

Minimum Qualifications

Master's degree or higher in archives, library, or information science or in the broader information management field AND two (2) years or more of professional RIM work at the RIM Specialist III level or equivalent. 
Professional designation of (or eligibility for) Certified Records Manager (CRM) or Certified Records Analyst (CRA) by the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) AND two (2) years or more of professional RIM work at the RIM Specialist III level or equivalent.

Preferred Qualifications
Special Requirements
