SuccessFactors New Homepage
On September 9, 2022, we will implement the “Reimagined Homepage” from SuccessFactors. The benefits of the new homepage include more individualized content, a more efficient way to navigate the system, and a more interactive experience.
The homepage currently shows five standard tiles that many of us use to navigate within the system: Quick Links, Careers, Help and User Guides, My Profile, and Terms of Use (this view will look a bit different depending on your security role in SuccessFactors):
Current Homepage View 1
The reimagined homepage will eliminate these tiles, replacing them with cards divided into the following sections: “Quick Actions,” with cards for “My Profile,” “Reminders,” and “Favorites,” and “Organizational Updates,” with links to “Help and User Guides,” “Terms of Use,” and a link to the Human Resources website. The new homepage will look similar to the screenshot below (depending on your security role in SuccessFactors):
Future Homepage View 1
You will still be able to navigate to “Careers,” “Company Info,” and “My Employee File” via the drop-down menu in the top left of the page header, next to the State of Vermont logo.
Close up: Navigation Menu 1
The user guides will be updated just prior to the new homepage implementation, so you can refer to those if you have questions about how to navigate the new home page. If you have any questions not covered in the user guides, please do not hesitate to contact the Talent Acquisition team at DHR.Recruitment@vermont.gov.