Workforce Administration (HRIS) is responsible for timely creation and updates to employee job records and position data. HRIS works collaboratively with the Labor Relations Division and Human Resources staff regarding business processes and adherence to personnel rules, regulations, policies and Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions and providing operational guidance to Human Resources staff in various departments and agencies.
The HRIS team is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely updates to employee’s job records, processed for the purpose of benefits, compensation, and time entry. Examples:
- Calculating employee’s pay.
- Maintaining employee’s service, leave, and probation dates.
- Timely processing of Notice of Actions.
- Communication with HR Professionals around the payroll production deadline chart .
- Ensuring applicable back up and approvals are in place prior to employee data updates.
- Training new PAR Requestors and Administrators within the HRIS User Group. (PAR)
HR Advice Desk Guide (pdf)
HR Advice FAQ (pdf)
Pay Charts
VTHR Deadlines (pdf)