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Return to Worksite Wellness Webinars and Trainings

COVID SUPPORT On-Demand Videos

Coping with Returning & Demobilizing after COVID-19

COVID-19 Pandemic: Skills for Wellness, Coping and Recovery

COVID Support VT -Disclosure

  • Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
  • Managed by Vermont’s Departments of Emergency Management and Mental Health, and,
  • Administered by Vermont Care Partners, a network of 16 designated and specialized agencies across Vermont that provide mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disability services and supports in your community.
  • Goal:  Assist individuals and communities with their mental well-being as they navigate the impacts of COVID-19 with short-term supports to mitigate stress, develop coping strategies, provide emotional support, and develop linkages with other community based agencies that support mental health and well-being (including other economic supports).

Courses Offered through BizLibrary:

Returning to Work after Working from Home: Practical Tips

Returning to Work after Working from Home: Managing Anxiety