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Classroom Electives

CAPS offers an ever-expanding roster of in-person, virtual delivery and/or hybrid classes of interest to employees, supervisors and managers. Subject matter ranges from productivity to communication and conflict management, and may include topics on how state government works, HR compliance, planning for retirement in the state system, work-life balance and stress, and addressing violence in the workplace. Topics change with demand and availability.

Classes offered by CAPs are available to all state employees in the Executive Branch.  Students who are interested in attending an elective must be approved for time away from the work assignments  To find a class visit SOV_LINC and search for a topic of interest.  Some electives require supervisor/manager approval, where they will need to sign-in to SOV_LINC to approve your attendance.  Please note, your transcript needs to reflect “registered” to attend a class you have signed up for.  Check your transcript before attending any elective.  In some instances, there may be a nominal fee for class materials that will be billed back to your department or agency.  You can determine if there is a cost for class materials in the class description in SOV_LINC

Important:  State employee's who require special accommodation for trainings to be accessible (mobility, vision, hearing, etc...) please contact in a separate email after registering in order to allow sufficient time to make arrangements. 

Other government employees (non-state) may apply to attend CAPS classes and will be approved on the basis of availability. In most cases, there will be a minimal cost. To apply from outside Vermont State Government, contact 

Explore our FAQ for details of taking classes at CAPS.

Click here to enter our on-line registration site and review our catalog of courses: