Recruitment Services is constantly working to provide the best advertising and outreach resources to support marketing your vacancy to the correct target market. The Advertising Portfolio contains sources for print, web and social media.
Barre Times Argus (Print) Discounts may apply if you advertise in both the Barre Times Argus and Rutland Herald.
Burlington Free Press (Print)
Rutland Herald (Print) Discounts may apply if you advertise in both the Barre Times Argus and Rutland Herald.
Seven Days (Print) When you place an ad with Seven Days they automatically put it on their Twitter feed.
Indeed (Web) Your SuccessFactors posting is copied to nightly. Separate advertising packaging and pricing is available.
Indeed (Sponsored Ads) We now have the ability to work with you on a sponsored ad plan on Indeed. Your sponsored jobs will be featured at the top of relevant search results. If you are interested, reach out to your Talent Acquisition Specialist and we will set up a meeting with our Indeed partner to create a custom campaign for your budget. Learn more about Indeed sponsored ads.
Vermont Professionals of Color Network (VTPOC) Talent Acquisition can facilitate your posting and bill your department back for the cost! If you are interested, reach out to your Talent Acquisition Specialist for more information on how to get started and what their advertising guidelines are. Learn more about VTPOC here.
VT Digger: Advertising on VT Digger costs $50 for two weeks, and $25 for each additional week for a Basic post. VT Digger also has an option for Featured Jobs, which is $99 for two weeks, and $25 for each additional week. The featured listings include priority placement in their job feed and mention their daily e-mail newsletter on the day the job is listed/submitted. The newsletter has about 21,000 impressions per newsletter and they’re seeing, on average, 128 clicks on job postings. To submit VT Digger ads, the hiring team can e-mail their Talent Acquisition Specialist.
DHR Facebook Page (Social Media) Your SuccessFactors posting is posted on the DHR Facebook Page automatically.
DHR Twitter Feed (Social Media) Your SuccessFactors posting is posted on the DHR Twitter Feed automatically.
DHR/Recruitment Instagram (Social Media) Upon request, we can do an Instagram posting to our VT Recruitment page that you can share to your channels. Network (web): All of our jobs are fed directly to this network on a daily basis
Vermont Job Link (web): Vermont Job Link is the Department of Labor’s site for job seekers. Opportunities are posted by the Talent Acquisition Team.
Handshake (FREE): You can do this on a self-service basis by going to Handshake's employers portal. You will need to have yourself added to SOV account before placing ad.
This also includes what used to be Vermont College Network:
- Castleton
- Community College of Vermont
- Northern Vermont University (Lyndon/Johnson)
- Vermont Technical College
Other Resources to Consider
Depending on your vacancy and target audience, you may want to take advantage of other advertising and outreach sources that are not currently supported by Recruitment Services.
LinkedIn Consider utilizing LinkedIn for professional networking of vacancies. Leadership and staff may have personal accounts to utilize or you could consider establishing an account. Be sure to announce the information and have your LinkedIn staff users share the announcement with their professional network. NOTE: Many of our jobs are posted on the State of Vermont Company Newsfeed and on the jobs tab, but it is only viewable to followers. If you follow our LinkedIn page, you can share these to your personal networks.
Professional Association Job Boards Utilize professional associations that you or your department/agency staff are members of to post opportunities to reach target markets.
Higher Institution/College Job Boards Posting on College job boards is typically free and an excellent way to reach students for entry level, no experience required positions as well as internships.
Front Porch Forum (Web/Social Media) FPF is in the business of helping neighbors connect and build community. Please contact Talent Acquisition Services to discuss advertising options with FPF.